Understanding Our Babies
Temperament, Birth Order, Gender, & Attachment
Parents often wonder why their children are so different from one another, despite being raised in the same environment and sharing 50% of their genes. This highly informative parenting workshop will address 4 different influences on personality and development.
Every child is born with an individual behavioral style that influences how they approach the world, including aspects of resilience and vulnerability.
Birth Order
Parents tend to parent differently with each child. And each child takes on a specific role within the family. Commonalities among first borns, middles, last borns, only children, and twins will be discussed.
Not every boy will like trucks and trains and not every girl will play princess, but male and female brains are structured differently and contribute to some common gender differences between children.
The way parents communicate with babies and respond to their cues influences the way a child’s brain/mind will develop. The security of a baby’s attachment relationship can have lasting impacts on future relationships, school success, and mental health.
To learn more, contact me to schedule this workshop for your school or organization.